VIA Transit operator drops off two elderly at closed business and leaves them there in the blistering heat

VIA Trans Bus

On Tuesday (July 26), two elderly women who also had their scooters with them were dropped off at Mr. & Mrs. G’s Home Cooking and Pastries, which was closed that day. Thankfully, Stan, a manager who was doing inventory that day was there to witness and help these two ladies in distress.

In a story posted to social media, stating that the driver proceeded to take down the scooters that the ladies had with them off of the bus. Stan went outside to explain that he cannot just leave them here. The driver told Stan that he would not have any room for his other pickups if he’ll allow them to stay. The driver then pointed out that they’re in the shade. The driver then hopped back into the bus and drove off leaving the two women stranded with Stan. Stan had kindly brought the two ladies in the air conditioned building and took care of them. Stan had first called one of the woman’s sister who had shortly arrived but had no way to transport them because they both had scooters with them and there was no way that they could fit in her vehicle. There were calls made to VIA later that scheduled to pick the two ladies up an hour and ten minutes! By the way, it was one of the ladies’ birthday and they went to the restaurant to celebrate.

Appx 11am, a VIA trans bus pulled in the parking lot. The Mgr, Stan happened to be there doing inventory. He went out…

Posted by Mr. & Mrs. G’s Home Cooking and Pastries on Tuesday, July 26, 2022

VIA Metropolitan Transit had later replied to Stan’s message. 

“Thank you, Stan, and Mr. & Mrs. G’s for your care and concern. We are looking into this incident and have reached out to the customer involved to better understand what happened and how we can keep it from happening in the future. We also reached out to the restaurant by phone but were not able to reach anyone today. We will try again tomorrow. We understand the concerns and are working to address them.”
The niece of one of the ladies, Michelle chimed in
“First of all, thank you for the automated and proper response that you are suppose to say, HOWEVER…. I am the niece of the lady that birthday was TODAY that the driver ruined and if you want the number to my mother (who was the sister that came to the site), then reach out to me, for no one has heard from anyone. Secondly, the driver needs to be fired…hands down. you do not and I repeat, you do not leave my aunt in the heat because you have other doggone riders to pick up. The proper thing to do was radio into dispatch and let them know what was going on. So, I will be reporting this to the higher ups if something is not done about it and the driver is not reprimanded for his actions. P.S. There is no reason to reach out to the restaurant if they are the ones that provided you the information per the post. You know what happened and pretty much, i can confirmed this is what happened, for this is what my mother and aunt shared with me as well.”
VIA replied to Michelle. 
“Thank you, Michelle. One of our team members spoke with Ms. Montgomery today and apologized for the bad experience. We reached out to Mr. G’s to thank them for their assistance. This incident is being investigated. Our goal is to always do better, however we can.”