September 11, 2024

Story of the Chicken on a Stick

For San Antonians alike, the idea of a breaded chicken on a stick with a jalapeño on top is the perfect Fiesta food. Now, no one is quite certain on how the chicken on a stick was popularized but we may have a good idea.

Many, many Fiesta’s ago the chicken on a stick idealized to give tacos a break. Not sure why, but that was the idea. Here in San Antonio tacos are the favorites. But all year long, we have the crazy idea to set aside the yummy filled tortilla with chicken on a stick. We wait all year long to indulge on this simple delicacy.

We’ve seen people double-fisting the delicious chicken on a stick because why would you just want one? Also, we’ve heard that people want the entire chicken on a stick dipped in the jalapeño juice. We have also seen some vendors add a piece of bread on top as well. Very, very interesting.

Fun fact: NIOSA goes through 11,000 lbs of chicken on a stick annually! 

There’s chicken on a stick stands pretty much at every Fiesta event you go to. It’s just as cultural as Barbacoa and Big Red on Sunday’s. The chicken on a stick even is on t-shirts and on Fiesta medals.

That’s our idea on how it all got started. If you have solid details, contact us and tell us your chicken on a stick story.