Several Alamo Plaza tenants to vacate by October 2022
Phillips Entertainment owned and operated Ripley’s Haunted Adventure, Guinness World Records Museum and Tomb Rider 3-D attraction since 2002. Now, those tenants have to say goodbye and break their leases early. Phillips Entertainment had signed an agreement on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 to terminate their current active leases.
Plans are to replace those attractions with a 100,000 square-foot museum for the Alamo and a visitors center which is a project led by the Alamo Trust Group.
Over the next five years, Bexar County Commissioners in May of 2021 had made a pledge of $25 million that will go towards the project. Apart of the agreement was to vacate the buildings at 327 and 329 Alamo Plaza and also at 518 Houston Street. Those business will have to close and cease operations by October 31, 2022.