September 8, 2024

Mayor publically addresses the projectiles shot a protesters Tuesday night

In a memo to citizens, he states it is the city of San Antonio’s “goal to protect peaceful demonstrators’ rights to voice their demands for the equal treatment of all Americans and their desire for criminal justice reform.”

Mayor Ron Nirenberg has met with Chief of Police William McManus to discuss crowd dispersal policies as he saw last night from social media that wooden and rubber projectiles were being shot at people.

The mayor had asked for clear rules of engagement that are being used by the police department.

The police will be providing “safe zones” for the members of the media who are trying to work in covering citizens excersizing their rights.

Also a review of the city’s role in criminal justice system and updates or reforms to ensure the equitable treatment of communities of color.

Highlighted in yellow, the “public safety committee is charged with developing community-focused initiatives and crafting policy that strengthens the bonds among residents and public safety officials. It is also responsible for establishing policies and programs related to fire protection, emergency management, EMS service delivery, police and law enforcement and judicial procedures.”

Last night, the peaceful protest quickly escalated right outside the Bexar County Courthouse when officers started spraying pepper spray, using wooden and / or rubber projectiles at members of the media and protesters.

San Antonio Police Department acknowledged that they used force when they were “attacked with glass bottles.”