September 11, 2024

H-E-B assists senior citizens with dedicated grocery phone line

San Antonio based grocery giant H-E-B was trying to figure out ways to assist senior citizens get their groceries. Many other stores had opted to dedicate an hour before opening for seniors. H-E-B took it a step further so that the elder people don’t have to risk anything to get the essentials. They will even deliver the groceries to their home.

The new Senior Support Line, which is staffed with volunteers, is for those aged 60 on up will be able to call a phone number and someone will assist them taking an order of what they need.

All fees are waived for the first 30 days with a $10 tip for the Favor runner.

Call 1-833-397-0080 for senior assistance at H-E-B between the hours of 9 a.m. till 1 p.m.