Famous YouTuber gets tattooed while on a roller coaster by local tattoo artist


Another way to turn up the thrill on a ride is getting a tattoo by a professional tattoo artist while riding the Switchback roller coaster. Stunt YouTuber Elton Castee just did that at ZDT Amusement Park in Seguin, Texas this Summer.

In the video Elton picked out what his buddy Brandon was getting inked up and vice versa. Then they drew the tattoo design while going erratically on a go-kart. Then they have to color the tattoo on another ride. Then comes the moment of truth comes as tattoo artist Geo from Ink Couture Tattoos in San Antonio.

The Switchback roller coaster is the world’s first and only wooden shuttle roller coaster that goes both forwards and backwards.

WARNING: Don’t try this at your local theme park!