Annual Passion of Christ play to draw thousands to downtown

Thousands of people flock to downtown San Antonio to see the annual Passion of Christ play. The Archdiocese of San Antonio organizes the event annually on Good Friday, which is the day that Jesus was crucified.
The live action play takes over the streets of downtown as the re-enactment of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion beginning at Milam Park. Onlookers pack the sides of the streets, many whom are brought to tears from being reminded of what he died for. The details are vivid with over 70 actors taking part in a big production.
The following streets of downtown will be closed from 10am – 1pm on Friday.
- Milam Park at North Santa Rosa from West Houston Street to Dolorosa Street
- Dolorosa Street and Santa Rosa to South Main Street
The event is free to view and open to the public.